Customised Dewatering Solutions

Garrath Wilson - Project Director
As Magytec’s Project Director, I manage the commercial agreements, supply chain and aftermarket support. As a registered professional Chemical engineer on Engineers Australia’s National Engineering Register, I am dedicated to excellence and accountability.
With a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering at USYD and a Masters in Engineering Science from UNSW I have a solid base for the highly technical nature of Magytec’s core business in sludge dewatering.
I have a technical and operational background, initially in the oil and gas industry. Loving the practical challenges and hands on experience, I worked both on onshore and offshore oil rigs for 12 years. Understanding that the water industry is the basis for all society I have pivoted into the wastewater industry with Magytec.
I strive to provide a customised dewatering solution to all our clients while maintaining a healthy work life balance to my 2 young daughters.
Contact me @
0405 669 677
Ian Bane - Technical Director
As Magytec’s Technical Director, I manage the process design, tender processes and commission projects. As a Mechanical engineer, I am dedicated to operational effectiveness and efficiency.
I am a Technical Specialist in Sludge, Biosolids/Fine Slurry dewatering, with 35+ years experience in the field, and aeration technology.
My particular interest is in aeration of high concentration mixed liquors for aerobic digestion, dewaterability of biosolids sludges, and development of equipment and systems for sludge/slurry dewatering filtration.
I want to give back to industry by providing free and extensive advice on effective dewatering solutions. I also love getting out on my sailing boat with my family.
Contact @
0418 212 070