Customised Dewatering Solutions

SernaGiotto Belt Press and Gravity Tables
MAGYTEC is the Australasian distributor for SernaGiotto (Giotto Water SRL) Dewatering Equipment.
Giotto of Italy has developed a wide range of belt filter press based designs over the last 27 years, for thickening and dewatering a huge variety of sludges and slurries from many industries, including Water and Wastewater, Paper, Mining, Food, and many others. The SernaGiotto/Magytec Gravity Table can be used for thickening biosolids prior to dewatering or digestion, and is an economical choice for this application.
Giotto belt presses and gravity drainage tables have been sold under a variety of names including SupaFlo, Outokumpu, and Siemens, as well as Sernagiotto. With many thousands of installations, Giotto can offer a vast experience in this specialist area of process dewatering.
SernaGiotto belt presses have three zones: first the gravity drainage zone, where the filter belt acts as a simple straining device; second the wedge zone, where a gradual increase in pressure is applied to the sandwiched cake between the two filter belts; and finally a high pressure zone which can consist of either surface pressure “S” rolls, or high pressure press nip rolls.
The Belt press and Gravity drainage decks come in different belt width sizes ranging from 1m, 1.2m, 2m, 2.5m and 3m.
Each increase in belt width increases belt press the volumetric capacity of 40m3/hr to 80m3/hr and solids loading capacity of 350kg/hr to 1200kg/hr depending on the sludge ash content.
Depending on the application, there are different combinations of the 3 zones, and this leads to the wide variety of different designs. There are more than 200 SernaGiotto filtration machines in the Australasian region.

SernaGiotto CFM Optima Belt Press